Saturday, May 9, 2009

and karma comes full cycle

so my bad luck has not run its course long enough. I got my period and this time i had the worse cramps ever! ive been pucking my guts out and have diarrhea.. (people so want to know the gory details ;) )
Anyway, my mother in law has no intention of moving out yet... its like ive adopted a baby but this baby is over 50 and always whining!... maybe all babies do this.. oh and messy too.. ive put my foot down and have laid down the law that she clean up after herself im am not a maid! thankfully, my hubby backed me up! have i mentioned that he's quit smoking perfect with my PMS, mother in law with a bi-polar disorder and hubby quiting smoking.. which seems to make him more irritable.. oh well join the club...
shopping always picks me up.. i went to Banana Republic and bought some jewelry... a pretty magenta ring and bangle:) and then i had a brilliant idea.. since my sister in law has us over for dinner on Sunday why not talk my mother in law to go and spend time with her.. (evilly wringing hands with glee at this point)... my mother in law thought it was a brilliant idea... so we are moving my mother in law to her daughters house on Sunday (hallaleujua)... god i wish i was working... i seem to stuck interviewing :(

1 comment:

  1. Get an interview book at the bookstore. I am trying to remember my favorite interview books.... 5 min and your hired?? Sweaty palms and the art of the interview.... I have given away my copies to friends.

    I always read one of these books the night before the interview. Go in thinking the job is yours!!! An air of arrogance nails the job.
